

Theknoloji ea ho Lokisetsa Lisebelisuoa Tsa Moaho Ho Tsoa Litšepe | Mehatla ea Tšepe e Thekisoang.

Litšila tse ngata tse tiileng tsa indasteri ea China ke mehatla, molora oa lintsintsi, molora oa mashala, slag e qhibilihisang, slag e besitsoeng ka mashala le gypsum ea desulfurization.Ho lokisoa ha thepa ea mohaho ka litšila tse tiileng ho hohetse tlhokomelo e eketsehileng.Bafuputsi ba ntlafalitse sekhahla se felletseng sa ts'ebeliso ea litšila tse tiileng indastering ea thepa ea moaho ka ntlafatso le lipatlisiso le nts'etsopele ea lisebelisoa le theknoloji.Ka nako e tšoanang, linaha tse fapa-fapaneng li fane ka melao le melaoana e tšehetsang ho hlohlelletsa cheseho ea likhoebo bakeng sa ho sebelisa litšila tse thata, kahoo ho ntlafatsa phello ea litšila tse tiileng tsa indasteri tikolohong ho isa bohōleng bo itseng.E le moetsi oa tšepe tailings sila leloala, ronalitšepe leloala tse thethehang rolara e 'nile ea sebelisoa haholo morerong o pharaletseng oa tšebeliso ea lehlabathe la tailings lehlabathe.HCMilling(Guilin Hongcheng) e tla hlahisa theknoloji ea ho lokisa thepa ea kaho ho tsoa mehatleng ea tšepe.

1. Letlapa la samente le nang le calcined

Mohatla oa tšepe o na le lintho tse ngata tsa tšepe, tse ka nkang sebaka sa phofo ea tšepe e le thepa e tala bakeng sa tlhahiso ea sekontiri sa samente.Ho chesa samente clinker le lejoe la mokoetla, lehlabathe la quartz le mehatla ea tšepe e le lisebelisoa tse tala li ka fokotsa ka katleho mocheso oa calcination le litšenyehelo tsa samente, empa palo ea ho kopanya e lekanyelitsoe, 'me palo e feteletseng ea ho kopanya e tla fokotsa matla a samente haholo.Hajoale, palo ea mehatla ea tšepe e sebelisetsoang ho calcining samente clinker e ka ba 15% feela.Ho potlakile ho hlahisa lisebelisoa tse ncha le theknoloji e ncha ho ntlafatsa palo ea mehatla ea tšepe le ho netefatsa boleng ba lihlahisoa tsa samente.


2. Konkreite aggregate

Ho thatafala ho hoholo ha mehatla ea tšepe haholo-holo ho tsoa karolong e ka hare ea quartz, eo boholo ba eona bo leng haufi le lehlabathe la noka la tlhaho le lehlabathe le entsoeng, 'me e ka kopanngoa ka konkreite e le kakaretso.Konkreite e nang le matla a 28d a ka bang 40MPa e ka lokisoa ka ho sebelisa mehatla ea tšepe e nang le boholo bo ka tlase ho 1mm ho nka sebaka sa lehlabathe la noka la tlhaho e le kakaretso e ntle.Ho ipapisitsoe le optimization ea likarolo tse kopaneng, tšebeliso e kopaneng ea mehatla ea tšepe le lehlabathe le entsoeng ka mochini e le kakaretso e ke ke ea fihlela litlhoko tsa konkreite bakeng sa lisebelisoa, empa hape e na le botsitso bo betere ho feta ba mehatla ea tšepe le lehlabathe la noka ea tlhaho, e leng ho feta. e loketseng ho laola boleng ba konkreite.Mabapi le ts'ebetso ea hona joale ea melemo e amehang, e le ho ntlafatsa sekhahla sa ho hlaphoheloa ha tšepe, likaroloana tsa tšepe tsa tšepe li ntse li ntlafala le ho feta, tseo ho leng thata ho kopana le maemo a mahoashe le ho sebetsa ho konkreite e tloaelehileng.


3. Motsoako oa liminerale tsa konkreite

Metsoako ea liminerale haholo-holo e entsoe ka lisebelisoa tsa amorphous siliceous, calcareous le aluminium, tse phethang karolo ea bohlokoa ho ntlafatsa ho kopana, ho se lekane le ho tšoarella ha konkreite.Li ka fokotsa tšebeliso ea samente le ho fokotsa mocheso oa hydration ka nako e le 'ngoe.Ka hona, ho bohlokwa ho fumana metswako e metjha ya diminerale bakeng sa ntshetsopele ya moshwelella ya indasteri ya samente.Karolo e ka sehloohong ea liminerale mehatleng ea tšepe hangata ke quartz, e nang le ts'ebetso e nyane ea pozzolanic maemong a tlhaho.Mokhoa oa ho ntlafatsa "ts'ebetso ea pozzolanic" ea mehatla ea tšepe e fetohile sehlooho sa bafuputsi ba hona joale.E le e 'ngoe ea mekhoa e sebelisoang haholo bakeng sa ho kenya ts'ebetso ea mehatla ea tšepe, ho sila ka mochini ho ka fokotsa matla a ts'ebetso ea mehatla ea tšepe le ho hlahisa mefokolo e mengata ea lattice le deformation ea polasetiki.Patlisiso e bonts'a hore ho sila ka mochini ho ka susumetsa ts'ebetso ea pozzolanic ea mekhahlelo e tloaelehileng ea liminerale mehatleng ea tšepe.Ha boholo ba likaroloana tsa liminerale tse entsoeng ka mochine li fokotseha, quartz e ka itšoara ka Ca (OH) 2 ka slurry ea samente ho hlahisa amorphous hydrated calcium silicate gel le ettringite crystal le lihlahisoa tse ling tsa hydration.Lipatlisiso li bontša hore ha ho sila ka mechine ho feta 40min, ho hlakile hore sekhahla se bohale sa mehatla ea tšepe se fokotsehile, likaroloana tse ling tse nyenyane li bontšoa, 'me ho tšoana ho ntlafatsoa butle-butle.Ka tsamaisong ea tšepe ea anhydrite e nang le calcium oxide, mohatla oa tšepe oa siliceous oa ho sila o ka kopanngoa le 30% ho lokisa samente ea 32.5.Tlas'a boemo ba karo-karolelano ea li-binder tsa metsi a tlase, phofshoana e ntle ea tšepe e ka khothaletsa metsi a pele a sekontiri sa samente, e etsa hore sebopeho sa pore sa seretse se kopane haholoanyane, le ho ntlafatsa matla a pele.Keketseho ea sebaka se itseng sa holim'a mehatla ea tšepe ha e na phello e hlakileng ea ho ntlafatsa index ea eona ea ts'ebetso;Phetoho ea mocheso o folisang e ka eketsa haholo index ea ts'ebetso qalong (7d), empa e na le phello e nyane ho index ea ts'ebetso qetellong (28d).Bakeng sa tsamaiso ea likarolo tsa tšepe tsa slag, index ea ts'ebetso e ka ntlafatsoa ka ho ntlafatsa mokhoa oa ho sila, kahoo ho ntlafatsa ho tšoarella ha konkreite.Tšebeliso e nepahetseng ea sesebelisoa sa ho fokotsa metsi e ka eketsa litaba tsa mehatla ea tšepe ka konkreite e tloaelehileng ho tloha ho 30% ho ea ho 40%.Ho sila ha tšepe ho ka ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea ho sila ka matla a eona, ka hona ho tsosa tšebetso ea pozzolanic ea mehatla ea tšepe.Ka ho ntlafatsa karo-karolelano ea mehatla ea tšepe, slag, clinker le lisebelisoa tsa samente tse kopaneng tsa gypsum, konkreite ea ts'ebetso e phahameng haholo e kopanang le maemo a naha e ka lokisoa.


Mehatla ea tšepe ea HLM leloala le thethehileng la rolara for iron tailings produced by HCMilling(Guilin Hongcheng) is the equipment for grinding iron tailings, which provides good equipment support for the technology of preparing building materials from iron tailings. It can process 80-600 mesh iron tailings with an output of 5-200t/h. If you have related equipment requirements, please contact or call at +86-773-3568321, HCM will tailor for you the most suitable grinding mill program based on your needs, more details please check

Nako ea poso: Nov-03-2022